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Međunarodna suradnja

D) Međunarodna suradnja

Das neue Gottesvolk. Zur Struktur und Botschaft des Textes 1 Petr 2,1-10, Innsbruck 2004. https://amdg.ffdi.hr/dasneuegottesvolk.html

Die Berufung des Propheten Amos: In der Spannung zwischen Institution und Charisma – Bevollmächtigung eines “Nicht-Propheten” (Am 7,10-17), Innsbruck, 21. 11. 2006.

Die Auferstehung in der Hebräischen Bibel. Klostermansfeld, veljača 2010. CROSBI: 600523 https://amdg.ffrz.hr/auferstehungAT.html

Ezechiel, der priesterliche Prophet, suradnja: mr. sc. T. Pietsch, 09.04.2010.

Esra, der Priester und Schriftgelehrte, suradnja: mr. sc. T. Pietsch, 10.04.2010. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/deutsch/esra_priester.php

Der Vater Zacharias, suradnja: mr. sc. T. Pietsch, 10.04.2010.

„Jugend und das Wort Gottes. Die biblischen Perspektiven.“ suradnja mr. sc. T. Pietsch, srpanj 2010. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/jugend_HS.php

„Human mission in the world – The dignity and responsibility of human person (Gen 2 in its context)“, Bruxelles, 11.02.2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/human.php

The Prophets and their God, Bruxelles, ožujak 2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/prophets.pdf

Christen und Islam in Kroatien, Schola Europea, Bruxelles, 8. travnja 2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/islam.php

„From Croatia to Brussels“, JEOletter, Nr. 13 / April 2011. https://www.jesc.net/2011/04/from-croatia-to-brussels/

„From a theological perspective: Disaster and a universal new beginning“, Ecology and Jesuits in Communication, Bruxelles 2011, https://ecojesuit.com/from-a-theological-perspective-disaster-and-a-universal-new-beginning/1004/

„Where are the good fruits? The Vineyard-poem and its ecological implications“, Bruxelles 2011, https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/vineyard.php

The great mission by the Prince of Peace – The Lord and Creator meeting his apostles (John 20:19–23), Innsbruck, 07.08.2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/greatmission.php

„Light of the world – Jesus bringing forgiveness and restoring the dignity (John 8)“, Innsbruck, Haus St. Christoph, 09.08.2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/john8.php

„Psalm 90 – Prayer of Moses, the man of God“, Innsbruck, 10.08.2011. https://amdg.ffrz.hr/english/ps90eng.php

Heart of a mother : Spirituality of Mother Mary for today, Innsbruck, 30. srpnja 2012.

„The faith of Samson’s mother : Judges 13 and the context“, Innsbruck, 24.07.2012. https://amdg.eu/2012/07/the-faith-of-samsons-mother/